Bennett is here, has been here for 7 months now! He was born April 27th at 7:36 am. 8lbs 2oz of pure baby goodness!
Wow, what a whirl wind of change he has brought to our family. A wonderful change but a change. Noah is in love with him and it makes my heart flutter as this was a HUGE worry for me when I was pregnant. I couldnt ask for a better big brother! He hates to hear him cry and wants to make him better any chance he can get. It is really so precious the way his little 3 year old mind works sometimes.
I really wanted to document the night that I had Bennett because 7 months into it and I think I am already beginning to forget some of the special memories of the day.
I will start with Wednesday April 24: I had my 39 week appt. with my OB. Everything was measuring on track with no issues however he has already told me he really didnt want me to go past my due date with Bennett because I had Noah one day after he was due and he was 8lbs 7.5oz and that was about all I could handle. The one wives tale that has truth to it is that babies do get bigger with each birth the mother has, so Bennett was set to be bigger if he was allowed to stay in there after my due date. So we went ahead and scheduled a induction for April 29, which was my due date. I was reluctant to set it because more than anything I wanted to go into labor on my own. On God's timing, on my body's timing, on Bennett's timing. I had been praying for it my whole pregnancy, but also trust my Dr. and when he said he would prefer me not to go past my due date, I agreed.
Thursday, April 25: Pretty much a normal day, Noah had school and since my induction was scheduled I went shopping while he was there to enjoy my last day alone! when I picked him up we told his teachers that the next time they saw him he would be a big brother, (my induction was set for Monday and he wouldnt go back to school until Tuesday). We went home and had a normal evening at home.
Friday, April 26: I was woken up really early that morning around 2 or 3 with contractions. Nothing too unbearable and no where close to consistent, but they were there and it kept me awake off and on through out the early morning. Allen went to work that morning and I continued to have contractions, like one every two hours or something. Allen called and asked if Noah and I would want to go to Lowe's and Co-op just to get out of the house. I agreed so we went and walked around while Allen shopped for work, I can remember walking out of Lowes, walking extremely slow and waddling because I was hugely pregnant but also because while we had been there the contractions were getting more regular. I got a text from a friend asking if we would want to go to dinner that night, kind of as a last hurrah, before baby number two. I wanted to go so bad, but I was just getting more and more tired as the day wore on. Waking up at 2am takes a toll on a girl, add in contractions randomly through out the day and I was shot, I told her no and we got take out hibachi food and came home. We ate and I just rested in my recliner. I looked at the clock and it was around 7 and I realized I hadnt had any contractions in several hours, so I assumed it had all passed. Whatever "it" was. My mother in law called me around 8ish that night and as my phone was ringing I was having a pretty "good" contraction. The first one in hours! I talked to her and told her what had just happened but that it was the first one in a while so I didnt expect anything to come of them.
I went to bed around 10 or so that night since I was so exhausted from waking up so early.
Saturday, April 27: I woke up at 12 to pee, because God prepares you for waking up often with a newborn by the urge to pee every hour or being horribly uncomfortable while you sleep. As soon as I stood up I was hit with a hard contraction. I stood there to "get over it", as the pain subsided I went to the bathroom and came back to bed. I was so tired I went right back to bed. Around 1 am, I woke up again to go to the bathroom and as soon as I stood up the same thing happened, but when I got back in bed and laid down, nothing. Repeat this a third time around 2 am. By this time, to be really honest, I was getting super annoyed. If I wasn't going to be able to sleep for a second night in a row, I just wanted to have the baby already. I put together that my contractions seemed to come if I was upright so I went in to the living room to sit in my recliner. I turned the TV on and as you can guess there isnt much on TV at 2 am. The only thing I could find that wasn't an infomercial was ironically the movie "Baby Momma" so I sat and watched that. I was having contractions more often but not consistent. My OB said to come to the hospital when I was having contractions that lasted for 1 minute each, 5 minutes apart consistently for an hour. My contractions were anywhere for 9 minutes apart to 20 minutes apart. I finally moved to the couch when I got to the 20 minute mark and did get another 30-40 minutes of sleep but then I was woken up by another contraction. I started timing them again and they were going from 9 minutes to 7 to 6 to 4 back up to 15 down to 8. I mean these things were every where but not consistently 5 minutes apart. They were coming so hard though that I could do nothing to make the pain go away. I finally got down on the floor, on all fours and tried natural methods I had seen on TV, they really did help but this girl wanted an epidural and I decided I didn't care if the hospital sent me home because I wasn't really in labor, I was going in because this mess HURT! I went in to wake up Allen, by this time it was around 4:30 in the morning. I told him he probably needed to call his mom to come sit with Noah because I was really hurting. His 'I am super sleepy and dont want to get out of bed comment'..."Are they consistent?" When I told him no, he said "Well do you think we should wait a little longer" and as I was about to say that I guess we could wait a little bit longer, the mother of all contractions (or so I thought) came and I said "No I am REALLY hurting and I want to just go" He calls his mom and we get our things together, we get in the car maybe around 5:15ish. As we are backing out, Allen says all excited "This is like we are leaving for vacation! You know? Since we are leaving so early?" I was having a really bad contraction as he was talking and totally turned into "that woman in labor" and said "Just drive and HURRY!"
We got to the hospital and since it was only 5:30 or so the L&D desk wasnt open yet so we had to go in through the ER. The man up front saw me waddling in and said "You gonna have that baby today?" and I said "it looks like it..." and he pointed us to the desk with a girl to sign in. We sat with her for several minutes and I had zero contractions the whole time I was with her, so I know she thought I was one of the crazy girls who thinks they are in labor because they have a gas pain. I say this because she let me WALK to the L&D dept! No wheel chair for this girl, she didnt even offer me one until when we started walking towards the door, I had a contraction that brought tears to my eyes and Thank the Lord, Jesus that there was a hand rail beside me because I squeezed it for all it was worth. By that time I was embarrassed (I dont know why, but I was and wouldnt take the wheelchair) In the two minutes it took us to get to L&D, I had another contraction and Allen said "these are a lot faster than every five minutes!" We get to my room and my nurse tells me to change into the gown and she would be back in to check me.
When she came back in she pulled up my information and saw that I was scheduled for an induction on Monday so my order for my epidural was already in the computer (Thank you Lord!) She goes to check me and says "Ok, sweetie, well I am going to run out here and get your IV and we will get that epidural for you" she was on her way out of the door and I asked "where am I at?" (as far as dilated) I thought it was so odd that she didnt tell me when she checked me because EVERY one tells you how far you are dilated after they check you. She was literally already at the door walking out of my room by this point and she poked her head around the curtain and smiled and said "You are at like an 8, but you are doing SOOO good!" She purposely didn't tell me what I was dilated to because she thought I would freak out!
I started laughing and said "well I guess you aren't sending me home then!" She comes back in with two other nurses and they immediately start poking and prodding me and asking me a ton of questions. Everything had to be done really quickly if I was going to get an epidural before this baby came. They worked quickly, and called my doctor and he said he was on his way. (Another HUGE blessing because I really really wanted him to deliver, I think all mommas do. I mean you spent 9 months with these doctors and you want them to be there to the end with you!) The anesthesiologist came in and gave me my epidural just in time because the contraction that came when I sat up really WAS the mother of all contractions! I had uncontrollable tears streaming down my face. When my doctor got there I was dilated to a 10 but my water still had not broke on its own, so he broke it only to find meconium. A huge concern for Bennett's little lungs. They had to call in NICU to be on stand by in case he had breathed in any of it. I pushed for 45 minutes, which was such a wake up call for me considering with Noah I literally pushed 3 times, like 3 10 second counts and he was here. I was getting so frustrated, so you mommas that push for hours and hours, I tip my hat to you! Finally Bennett arrived in this world at 7:36 am, less than two hours after we got checked in at the hospital. He was perfect and thankfully was not in need of NICU since he did not aspirate anything. 8lbs 2 oz and 20.5 inches long. Beautiful!
The nurse told me he was the 236th baby that they had delivered that month! Spring 2013 was a BUSY baby season!
He is such a blessing, and more than I could have ever asked for! I am truly blessed with all my boys :)
December 7, 2013
March 24, 2013
Three plus one
Wow, I haven't done this in a while! I feel so out of touch! I am excited to try to start this up again though, why I decided now when I am 5 weeks, give or take, away from having a newborn I have no idea but I did.
When Allen and I first started talking about having a second child life was easy. Noah was awesome, no behvior issues, went to bed pretty much on his own, was about to start school (AKA Mother's Day Out) in the fall and we were a few months away from his 2nd birthday. It seemed to be the right time for us, I had always said I didnt want there to be too much time in between our children, if we were blessed enough to have a second. So we took the plunge. Right after Noah's second birthday we found out we were expecting again. We were excited and scared all over again, just like we were when we found out that we were expecting Noah. We found out a few days before we were going to take a road trip to Maryland to see my aunt and family.
When we got back from that trip however, Noah totally went into the dreaded "terrible twos" (and I am aware that people say three's are worse but we haven't gotten there yet so humor me and let me think that his two's are bad) It was Labor day weekend to be exact and we were supposed to be getting together with our friends for a breakfast outing. We had to skip out because Noah had temporarily lost his mind! We literally thought he was sick because of the way he was acting. He was throwing is body around on the floor every time we would ask him what was wrong. He was crying/screaming for no reason. And it was like he just woke up that morning and a beast had taken over our precious little guy. I was all prepped and ready to call the doctor the next morning to make an appt. for him to find out what was hurting him, but as the day progressed, we realized there wasn't a thing wrong with him, this was just the first of many "fits" he would throw because he was in a bad mood or he wasn't getting what he wanted. We had officially entered the terrible twos and I was about 5 weeks pregnant. Had this behavior started about a month and a half earlier, there is a good possibility that this precious little baby boy growing inside of me now, would NOT be there. I dont think I would have been able to fathom having a second child with Noah in this funk that he was in. So, God really does have a sense of humor. It was kind of like him saying to us "so... you STILL think you are ready for that second baby you got growing in there??"
While it sent me into a panic thinking about how in the world I was going to be able to deal with this monster child I now had AND a newborn, we pushed through (Not that there was anything else we could do) but he started school very soon after this and wow, is all I can say. What a difference 9 hours a week makes for him (and Mommy). While we had a rough start, for about two weeks, he quickly began to love school and now asks to go just about every day! And the progress he has made is amazing! He is such a different little boy, a lot of people have commented on how much he has changed since he started and we notice it too. (I really could go on and on about how great I think programs like this are for kids but I won't.)
Noah definitely still has his days where I think I might just walk out of the house and not come back for a few days but for the most part he is a good little guy. We certianly have a hard-headed, strong willed 100% BOY on our hands but I know he is going to be an awesome big brother.
I do have to laugh a little at how people still want to give you their 2 cents on parenting when you are pregnant with your second. Don't get me wrong, there is a lot of helpful advice that I have received and been utterly grateful for and I also by no means think I am an expert on parenting because I have one 2 year old but why do people only want to tell you how scary it is going to be when you bring that second one home? Like I haven't thought, panicked, cried, and prayed about that already? I feel like that is any second time mom's worry is "what is it going to be like when we bring this baby home?" "am I going to be able to love the second one as much as I do the first?" "Will I have time for two children? Will the first one feel like mommy abandoned them for this new baby?" and since our new baby is not here I don't have one answer to any of those questions but I am hopeful and faithful enough to know that somehow we will figure it out. We have raised one child, AKA kept one child alive and healthy, for two and a half years, we will figure this two kid family stuff out too! Yes it may take a long while and I know in the deepest part of my body that there are going to be a lot of hard and trying days ahead but for now I want to look at the positive side of it. We have been blessed to be the parents of two boys, and all we can do it raise them to the best of our ability and make sure God is first in their lives and that they know we love them. The bad days will come and we will just have to batten down the hatches and ride out the storm together, because in just a matter of weeks we will begin the journey of party of 3 going to party of 4, and we couldn't be more excited!
When Allen and I first started talking about having a second child life was easy. Noah was awesome, no behvior issues, went to bed pretty much on his own, was about to start school (AKA Mother's Day Out) in the fall and we were a few months away from his 2nd birthday. It seemed to be the right time for us, I had always said I didnt want there to be too much time in between our children, if we were blessed enough to have a second. So we took the plunge. Right after Noah's second birthday we found out we were expecting again. We were excited and scared all over again, just like we were when we found out that we were expecting Noah. We found out a few days before we were going to take a road trip to Maryland to see my aunt and family.
When we got back from that trip however, Noah totally went into the dreaded "terrible twos" (and I am aware that people say three's are worse but we haven't gotten there yet so humor me and let me think that his two's are bad) It was Labor day weekend to be exact and we were supposed to be getting together with our friends for a breakfast outing. We had to skip out because Noah had temporarily lost his mind! We literally thought he was sick because of the way he was acting. He was throwing is body around on the floor every time we would ask him what was wrong. He was crying/screaming for no reason. And it was like he just woke up that morning and a beast had taken over our precious little guy. I was all prepped and ready to call the doctor the next morning to make an appt. for him to find out what was hurting him, but as the day progressed, we realized there wasn't a thing wrong with him, this was just the first of many "fits" he would throw because he was in a bad mood or he wasn't getting what he wanted. We had officially entered the terrible twos and I was about 5 weeks pregnant. Had this behavior started about a month and a half earlier, there is a good possibility that this precious little baby boy growing inside of me now, would NOT be there. I dont think I would have been able to fathom having a second child with Noah in this funk that he was in. So, God really does have a sense of humor. It was kind of like him saying to us "so... you STILL think you are ready for that second baby you got growing in there??"
While it sent me into a panic thinking about how in the world I was going to be able to deal with this monster child I now had AND a newborn, we pushed through (Not that there was anything else we could do) but he started school very soon after this and wow, is all I can say. What a difference 9 hours a week makes for him (and Mommy). While we had a rough start, for about two weeks, he quickly began to love school and now asks to go just about every day! And the progress he has made is amazing! He is such a different little boy, a lot of people have commented on how much he has changed since he started and we notice it too. (I really could go on and on about how great I think programs like this are for kids but I won't.)
Noah definitely still has his days where I think I might just walk out of the house and not come back for a few days but for the most part he is a good little guy. We certianly have a hard-headed, strong willed 100% BOY on our hands but I know he is going to be an awesome big brother.
I do have to laugh a little at how people still want to give you their 2 cents on parenting when you are pregnant with your second. Don't get me wrong, there is a lot of helpful advice that I have received and been utterly grateful for and I also by no means think I am an expert on parenting because I have one 2 year old but why do people only want to tell you how scary it is going to be when you bring that second one home? Like I haven't thought, panicked, cried, and prayed about that already? I feel like that is any second time mom's worry is "what is it going to be like when we bring this baby home?" "am I going to be able to love the second one as much as I do the first?" "Will I have time for two children? Will the first one feel like mommy abandoned them for this new baby?" and since our new baby is not here I don't have one answer to any of those questions but I am hopeful and faithful enough to know that somehow we will figure it out. We have raised one child, AKA kept one child alive and healthy, for two and a half years, we will figure this two kid family stuff out too! Yes it may take a long while and I know in the deepest part of my body that there are going to be a lot of hard and trying days ahead but for now I want to look at the positive side of it. We have been blessed to be the parents of two boys, and all we can do it raise them to the best of our ability and make sure God is first in their lives and that they know we love them. The bad days will come and we will just have to batten down the hatches and ride out the storm together, because in just a matter of weeks we will begin the journey of party of 3 going to party of 4, and we couldn't be more excited!
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